Getting My Juice On with Succo!

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I’ve always loved cold pressed juices, especially green ones. They always make me feel full of energy and like I’m doing something good for my body and my skin, but I’ve never done a full on juice cleanse, I have low blood sugar and need to constantly snack, so the idea of cutting out food all together just scares me.

My cousins launched Succo juicery just over a year ago in Cheshire, a juice bar serving fresh cold pressed juices packed full of nutrients, but with a little bit of fruit to ensure that the taste wasn’t too bleugh (you know that full on green juice after taste). They finally started doing send out deliveries last week and I was lucky enough to be one of the first deliveries. They sent me 6 juices, which technically would only count as one day if you were going to do a full juice cleanse, but as I wanted to carry on eating normally I decided to spread them out over three days – two a day.

I noticed myself opting for a juice instead of my usual mid afternoon chocolatey treat, and I felt energy levels rise. I’ve also *touches wood* had no break outs since. The juices arrived fridge cold and were packaged perfectly in a Succo box, and I immediately started guzzling down the carrot cleanse juice before I remembered to take a photo, oops.

Succo have given me a special discount code for my readers with £20 off when you use tijanserena2014 and you can choose the amount of supplies you want. If you order before 1pm you can get next day delivery and they deliver to anywhere mainland in the UK!

Ranging from the full 7 day cleanse, to a simple 1 day cleanse which is what I had. The juices last up to three days so you can spread them out as you please! My personal favourite juice? Carrot Cleanse and Beetwater. Just thinking about them now is making me miss them!

You can order Succo here



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